Hello - a quick post here.
Thanks to all of you who have read, added comments and generally shown interest in my PhD journey. It's been wonderful to share it with you. Here's a bit of an update. I finished a final draft of my thesis a while back (I'll be discreet) but after some administrative challenges, I've waited to get a date for my Viva. I'm very nearly there and pleased for that. What a wonderful journey which has really shaped me as a person. The blog is a great record for me to look back and build upon.
Like most useful and inspiring experiences, this one has forward momentum. It continues to shape my teaching and research interests and I am beginning to enjoy building on some of my PhD ideas through a new blog. That's only a part of things, but I'd love you to join me there so I can continue to chat with you and hear your contributions.
So - please consider visiting that new blog and subscribing to my posts. I'd love to see you there.
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